
Showing 111-120 results of 358 total
Scripps in the News | July 19, 2019

Novel Liver Cancer Clinical Trial to Begin at Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center

Darren Sigal, MD, a GI oncologist at Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses new liver cancer drug clinical trial on KUSI.
Scripps in the News | July 8, 2019

Scripps MD Anderson Opens First Inflammatory Breast Cancer Center in Region

The new inflammatory breast cancer is located at the Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center in La Jolla.
Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center recently opened the San Diego region's first inflammatory breast cancer clinic at its campus in La Jolla.
Scripps in the News | June 18, 2019

Media Preview of Cancer Survivors Day Events In La Jolla, Chula Vista

KUSI host Lauren Phinney, Dr. Thomas Buchholz, medical director of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center and Craig Jacobsen, cancer patient.
Thomas Buchholz, MD, medical director of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, and cancer survivor Craig Jacobson discuss Cancer Survivors Day on KUSI.
Scripps in the News | June 17, 2019

Scripps Dermatologists Offer Sun Safety Tips to Prevent Skin Cancer

KUSI anchor Ginger Jeffries interviews Jessica Harned of the American Heart Association and Benjamin Kelley, MD, dermatologist at Scripps Clinic, about sun safety.
Drs. Benjamin Kelley and Hugh Greenway, dermatologists at Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, discuss summer sun safety tips on local news programs.
Scripps in the News | June 13, 2019

Scripps Mercy Ball Raises $2.5 Million For Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center

Mike Frager, Ann Frager, Rob Hixson, Gina Hixson, James Frager, Devon Frager at Scripps Mercy Ball 2019.
The 47th Scripps Mercy Ball raised $2.5 million to support construction of the new Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego.
Scripps in the News | June 10, 2019

Scripps Doctor Treats Patient With Rare Breast Implant-Related Cancer

A doctor examines a mammogram checking for breast cancer.
A local woman and Salvatore Pacella, a plastic surgeon at Scripps, were recently featured on CBS 8, discussing her rare breast implant-related cancer condition.
Scripps in the News | May 17, 2019

New Liver Cancer Drug To Be Tested at Scripps MD Anderson

Two doctors examine an X-ray looking for signs of liver cancer.
Darren Sigal, MD, a hematologist and oncologist at Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, recently discussed a new liver cancer drug being tested at Scripps.
Scripps in the News | May 3, 2019

Scripps Cancer Patient Able to Walk Again After Innovative Procedure

10 News recently featured a bone cancer patient who nearly lost his ability to walk until a Scripps orthopedic surgeon operated on him using a new device.
Health and Wellness | February 22, 2019

Father/Daughter Doctor Duo — Prabhakar and Sravanthi Tripuraneni

Scripps family medicine doctor Sravanthi Tripuraneni and her father, radiation oncologist Prabhakar Tripuraneni, hike together at Torrey Pines State Reserve.
Scripps family medicine doctor Sravanthi Tripuraneni has inherited her father Prabhakar’s interests in medicine and hiking.
Scripps in the News | January 30, 2019

Del Mar Times Profiles New Scripps Board Chairman

Jan Caldwell, chairman of Scripps Health Board of Trustees in January 2019.
The Del Mar Times recently profiled Jan Caldwell, new chairman of the Scripps Health Board of Trustees.