Vendor Information

What Scripps Health expects from its vendors

Scripps depends on vendors, contractors and other third parties to help us deliver a quality continuum of care to our patients and community. To that end, Scripps holds vendors and their representatives accountable to specific policies and standards of conduct when they provide goods and services. Our goal is to partner with vendors in a cost-effective, efficient manner to provide the best quality products and services available.

Scripps adheres to legal requirements and the highest ethical standards when interacting with vendors. We qualify vendors, solicit bids, and closely review proposals to ensure contracts with leading companies that provide high quality products and services. We also comply with the requirements of the Scripps conflicts of interest policy.

Scripps supplier diversity

We seek suppliers and service providers with the highest quality and financial opportunities. We recognize the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion. We encourage prospective suppliers or service providers to reach out if interested in being considered for existing or future business opportunities.

Scripps vendor responsibilities

The information provided below communicates key business conduct guidelines that Scripps expects all our vendors to follow when interacting with or on behalf of Scripps. Scripps requests that all vendors make this information available to their employees and representatives who interact with our organization.

We expect vendors and contractors to immediately notify Scripps of any suspicions of fraudulent activity, or non-compliance with these key policies, via the Scripps Compliance Alertline at 888-424-2387.

Supplier inquiries information

1. To be considered as an approved Supplier within Scripps, please contact the Scripps Corporate Supply Chain Management Contracting Department (CSCM) at 858-622-2800.

2. CSCM will review and communicate the request to the relevant service line for disposition.

3. CSCM will notify the Supplier of the status of their respective request (approved or denied).

4. If the request is approved for use within Scripps, the Supplier will be instructed on how to proceed.

5. Suppliers approved for use with Scripps are required to be a member in good standing of RepTrax.

6. Heath Trust is the contracted GPO for Scripps and Suppliers are encouraged to be a member of Heath Trust.

7. CSCM Pricing Agreements stipulate that if the Supplier uses any non-approved product within Scripps (even if requested by a Scripps Clinician), the Supplier agrees that Scripps will not be charged, or required to pay, for that product.