
Showing 91-100 results of 358 total
Scripps in the News | June 10, 2020

Scripps MD Anderson Expert Shares Insights on New Breast Cancer Study

Thomas Buchholz, MD, medical director of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center was featured recently in the Rancho Santa Fe Review.
Scripps MD Anderson oncologist Dr. Thomas Buchholz tells KUSI TV his insights on a study about breast cancer, alcohol and exercise.
Health and Wellness | May 27, 2020

Why Are Young Men at Greater Risk for Testicular Cancer? (podcast)

Testicular cancer is an uncommon cancer but when it strikes, it tends to affect younger men. Ramdev Konijeti, MD, a urologist, explains.
Scripps in the News | May 20, 2020

Unique Cancer Care Collaboration at Scripps MD Anderson Makes Headlines

A local man's cancer treatment was put on hold due to coronavirus. Learn how Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center quickly re-established his care.
Scripps in the News | March 17, 2020

A Look at Colorectal Cancer Prevention Tips on KUSI TV

Find out important tips about colorectal cancer awareness month. Learn about screening options and more from a Scripps MD Anderson doctor.
Scripps in the News | February 25, 2020

KUSI TV Explores Cancer Prevention with Scripps MD Anderson Expert

Thomas Buchholz, MD, medical director of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center was featured recently in the Rancho Santa Fe Review.
Thomas Buchholz, MD, of Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, appeared on KUSI TV to share insights on effective cancer prevention strategies.
Scripps in the News | February 5, 2020

Scripps MD Anderson Physician Discusses Lung Cancer Care on KUSI TV

Rush Limbaugh recently revealed his diagnosis of advanced lung cancer. Dr. Michael Kosty discusses how lung cancer treatments have evolved.
Scripps in the News | January 16, 2020

Declining Cancer Death Rates in the US

Scripps oncologist Dr. Thomas Buchholz appeared on San Diego TV news programs to discuss key factors that are driving down cancer death rates.
Scripps in the News | December 20, 2019

Magazine Covers New Liver Cancer Clinical Trial at Scripps MD Anderson

Conquest Magazine published an article about a liver cancer clinical trial at Scripps MD Anderson involving a new immune therapy derived from ocean algae.
Scripps in the News | December 19, 2019

KUSI Covers Key Cancer Care Advances in 2019

Thomas Buchholz, MD, medical director of Scripps MD Anderson, appeared on KUSI TV to discuss key advances in cancer care in San Diego in 2019.
Health and Wellness | November 22, 2019

San Diego Doctor Races for a Reason

Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang is a breast cancer survivor who draws inspiration from her dragon boat racing team. All members are cancer survivors.