Medically Supervised Weight Management Programs
Your customized weight loss program starts here

Your customized weight loss program starts here
The medical team at Scripps Clinic Center for Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery in Del Mar and San Diego will help you tackle any weight-related issue through a comprehensive, personalized approach that includes diet, exercise, lifestyle and, if appropriate, medical treatments. Scripps offers telemedicine services as an option.
Step 1: Initial consultation
Unlike non-medically supervised programs that offer only meal replacements and supplements, we take a personalized approach to help you lose weight. During your initial consultation, a doctor or nurse practitioner will review your health history, explore underlying factors that may contribute to your weight gain and discuss your weight loss goals.
Step 2: Evaluation
Following your consultation, you’ll be partnered with a team of professionals who are trained to guide you in applying the most effective solutions to help you look and feel your best. Your evaluation may include the following:
Step 3: Customized weight loss treatment plan
After you have completed your evaluation, your team will develop a weight loss treatment plan to fit your unique needs. Your personalized plan may include the following: