Frequently Asked Questions About Having Your Baby at Scripps
Find answers to common questions about labor and delivery

Find answers to common questions about labor and delivery
Having a baby is an exciting and highly emotional experience, especially if this is your first birth. The questions below will help you understand what to expect when you choose to have your baby at Scripps. You can also download our FAQs (PDF, 150 KB).
Should I pre-register at the hospital before labor and delivery?
Yes. Please register at the Scripps hospital where you plan to have your baby several weeks before your due date. This allows us to process all necessary paperwork, including notifying your insurance company, before you arrive. You can pick up registration paperwork at your doctor’s office. Please bring your insurance card and photo ID with you to the hospital.
Download your pre-admission form based on the location you plan to have your baby.
- Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla (PDF, 280 KB)
- Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas (PDF, 74 KB)
- Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego (PDF, 220 KB)
Should I choose a pediatrician before my baby is born?
Generations of San Diegans have relied on Scripps for excellence in health care. Find a board-certified pediatrician to care for your children. Scripps has pediatricians throughout San Diego in locations that are convenient for you and your family.
When should I go to the hospital?
If this is your first baby:
It’s time to go to the hospital if your contractions are 3-2-1. The frequency of your contractions is 3 minutes apart, for about 2 hours, and each contraction lasts for 1 minute AND you cannot talk or walk through a contraction.
If you have had a baby before:
It’s time to go to the hospital if your contractions are 4-1-1 or 5-1-1. The frequency of contraction is 4 or 5 minutes apart consistently or increasing for an hour, and each contraction is lasting for 1 minute AND you cannot talk or walk during contractions.
When to call your provider immediately:
- If your water breaks
- If you have bleeding that is more than spotting (like a period)
- If you feel Decreased Fetal Movement
- If you have any concerns
What should I pack for the hospital?
It’s important to pack your photo ID, your insurance plan and your hospital paperwork in preparation for delivery. Other items to pack include a change of clothes, as well as clothes for your new baby and your support person. As a reminder, please bring food and snacks for your support person.
Will I go through labor and delivery in the same room?
Yes. At all Scripps maternity units you will experience labor, delivery and recovery in the same room. However, if you deliver by C-section (cesarean section) or require surgical care, you will be cared for in an operating room within the maternity unit.
Can you support my birth plan?
The birth of your baby is a special and unique experience, and a memory that you will always cherish. For many women, it can be helpful to have a birth plan (PDF, 110 KB) in place before delivery.
A birth plan is a written guide to your labor preferences. It is given to the nurses and your physician when you arrive at the hospital to help the clinical staff understand your wants and needs during your delivery. We can accommodate many common birth plans and labor preferences. Ask about your specific preferences when you take the maternity tour at the hospital where you will give birth.
How many people can join me in the room for delivery?
The number of people allowed in the room for vaginal deliveries varies depending on where you deliver; talk to your doctor to discuss your options. For all vaginal deliveries, your support person will be allowed in the room with you. For cesarean section deliveries at all locations, only one person will be allowed to accompany you.
How long will I stay in recovery after childbirth?
Your time in recovery will depend on the type of delivery and anesthesia used. Most women stay an average of two hours before being moved to a postpartum room.
Private rooms are available at all three hospitals, Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego and Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas.
What type of room is available for my postpartum stay?
Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego
Most often the postpartum rooms are private rooms where mother and baby will be cared for together during their stay. Obstetrical volume is unpredictable; therefore, it may be necessary for you to share a room as a result of a high census.
Scripps Memorial Encinitas and Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla
All postpartum rooms are private rooms where mother and baby will be cared for together during their stay.
Will staff be available to help me breastfeed right after delivery?
Yes! All Scripps maternity units encourage and support your decision to breastfeed, and our maternity nurses are specially trained to help new mothers with breastfeeding. In addition, lactation experts are available to offer support in the hospital. Read more about our breastfeeding services.
Can my support person stay overnight with me in the hospital?
In most cases, your support person may stay with you overnight. Children are not allowed to stay overnight.
What are visiting hours?
Visiting hours and regulations may vary by hospital. All locations allow the support person to visit 24 hours a day. See our locations for more information. Please note that visiting hours are subject to change during flu season.
Can children visit?
Children must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a visiting adult. Children who have not received their childhood vaccines should not visit. Visitors who are ill or do not feel well should refrain from visiting if they have an infection, fever, cold, cough, runny nose, rash, diarrhea or vomiting.
While children are permitted to visit, overnight stays are not allowed; it's essential to arrange childcare in advance to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted stay at the hospital.
Please note that visiting policies are subject to change during flu season.
How soon will my baby and I be able to leave the hospital?
This will vary depending on how you and your baby are doing. Ask your obstetrician regarding specific concerns about your length of stay and health insurance allowances.
Hospital stays for vaginal births are 48 hours or less, and 96 hours or less following a cesarean birth. Some patients may need to stay up to 96 hours if medically indicated.
Be aware of what your insurance covers to avoid unexpected, out-of-pocket costs.
Is a car seat required for my baby?
Yes, your baby must be in an approved car safety seat when you leave the hospital.
Ensure the proper installation of the car seat in your vehicle, adhering to safety guidelines and manufacturer instructions for optimal usage. Staff are not allowed to support you with the installation of the car seat or securing your newborn in the car seat.