
Showing all 8 results
Health and Wellness | March 4, 2025

Coping With San Diego’s Year-Round Allergy Season

A  young man sneezes, coping with San Diego's year-round allergy season.
Allergy season is year-round in San Diego. Follow offers tips to manage allergy symptoms and prevent health problems.
Scripps in the News | March 5, 2021

Scripps Clinic Expert Shares Allergy Relief Tips with CBS 8 News

CBS 8 News recently interviewed Ron Simon, MD, about strategies to help avoid and manage allergy symptoms.
Scripps in the News | January 29, 2021

Scripps Allergist Dispels Concerns About Allergic Reaction to COVID-19 Vaccines

Allergist Ron Simon, MD, was recently interviewed about the extremely small risk of having an allergic reaction to one of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Family Medicine | November 12, 2019

What Causes Allergies? Could It Be Something Else? (podcast)

A Scripps allergist discusses allergies, including what causes allergies, different types of allergies and treatments.
Health and Wellness | November 4, 2019

All About Allergies (video)

Ronald Simon, MD, an allergy specialist at Scripps Clinic explains what causes allergies and how to reduce allergy symptoms.
Health and Wellness | February 22, 2019

New Hope for Sniffly, Sneezy, Watery-eyed Allergy Sufferers

A Scripps allergist explains how many seasonal allergy sufferers are finding relief with FDA-approved sublingual immunotherapy tablets.
Scripps in the News | November 8, 2017

Scripps Allergist Discusses Concerns Over Food and Drug Dyes with NY Times

Ronald Simon, MD, allergist at Scripps Clinic Carmel Valley, discussed concerns over food and drug additives with the New York Times.
Scripps in the News | May 8, 2011

The Savvy Patient - Allergies Come in a Variety of Categories, Including Severe

In this week’s installment of The San Diego Union-Tribune’s “Savvy Patient” column, Scripps Health provides insight on allergies.