Search Results

Showing 961-980 results of 4958 total
News | April 25, 2024

Fatherhood Fuels Doctor’s Passion for Care and Learning

Leonard Sokol, MD, sits at the playground with his son.
Fatherhood drives Dr. Leonard Sokol’s passion for learning and patient care. The Scripps neurologist is the father of two young children.
News | April 24, 2024

8 Healthy Mexican Food Tips

Scripps primary care physician Angela Ochoa offers tips to make sure your favorite Mexican recipes is both healthy and delicious.
News | April 24, 2024

New Digital Health Options Ease Access to Care

A woman sits at a table while she meets with her doctor virtually on a laptop computer and discusses medication.
What’s new: patient on-demand video visits with primary care doctor, online scheduling and wait time checks at HealthExpress sites.
News | April 24, 2024

Caring for Your Child’s Injury: Urgent Care or ER?

A mom and her young daughter go the doctor after a soccer injury.
Your child gets injured. Urgent care or the ER? Maybe, treatment at home? Learn how to tell severity of injury and what to do.
News | April 24, 2024

5 Ways to Make Exercise More Fun

A young woman dances in her living room with headphones on.
Upgrade your workout gear, embrace outdoor activities, invite friends to join you and other tips to turn fitness into fun, not work.
News | April 24, 2024

Unlocking Relief: How Acupuncture Eases Pain

A woman rests comfortably as an acupuncture provider presses a needle into her forehead to relieve migraine pain.
Learn how this ancient, natural remedy can provide relief from recurring migraines and chronic back pain without the use of narcotics.
News | April 24, 2024

Nerve Ablation: Innovative Back Pain Treatment

An older couple enjoy a stroll by the water with less back pain thanks to a new minimally invasive procedure.
Kevin Barrette, MD, a pain medicine specialist, sheds light on nerve ablation, a minimally invasive procedure for chronic back pain.

Nutrition and Fitness During Cancer Treatment - Virtual

Join a Scripps dietician to discuss food flexibility for optimal nutrition during your cancer treatment.

Balance and Gait - Scripps Encinitas Rehabilitation Services

Balance and Gait Exercise
Scripps Encinitas Rehabilitation Services offers this gentle exercise class to improve your stability. Both standing and seated exercises will be used.

Restorative Yoga and Sound Therapy for Cancer Patients and Caregivers

Join this 60-minute experience that focuses on relaxation for patients on their cancer journey.

Stroke and Brain Injury Support and Education Group

Scripps Health offers stroke or brain injury support group sessions to give patients and their loved ones support and education.
Meet with stroke and brain injury survivors, caregivers and loved ones to learn and discuss self-care strategies and more.

Grief and Loss Support Groups - Virtual

Join the free support groups for adults who experienced loss. Participants share their experiences, learn coping skills and discover helpful resources.
  • August 20, 2024
  • 6 pm - 7 pm PDT
  • Free
News | April 23, 2024

Finding Meaning After Breast Cancer Treatment

Kelly O'Connor smiles at home outdoors holding her small dog after breast cancer treatment.
After successful treatment for breast cancer at Scripps, Kelly O’Connor quit her job and now helps others through their cancer journey.
News | April 23, 2024

Women’s Health at Different Life Stages

Four women of diverse backgrounds and ages smile together.
Learn the most common health challenges women face throughout life, from early preventive care to midlife changes and menopause.
News | April 23, 2024

9 Easy Tips to Kickstart Your Spring Wellness Routine

A young woman rejoices in a field of yellow flowers.
Spring is prime for health resets. Follow our tips. Prioritize self-care, improve your diet, schedule an annual checkup and more.
News | April 23, 2024

How Clinical Trials Transform Medicine

Darryl D’Lima, MD, PhD, director, Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, SCORE, Scripps Clinic.
Clinical trials drive innovation and enhance patient care. Scripps is making strides with 90 ongoing trials and past breakthroughs.
News | April 22, 2024

7 Ways to Help Overcome Your Child’s Fear of Shots

Vaccination shots can be scary for your child but they help prevent many illnesses. Follow these tips to make the experience easier.
News | April 22, 2024

Arthritis and Aging: What’s the Connection?

Arthritis is a common ailment, especially as we get older, but preventive measures can slow down progression or alleviate joint pain.
News | April 22, 2024

How Does Peer Pressure Affect a Teen’s Social Development?

Learn how teen peer pressure could affect your teen's social development in positive and negative ways. A Scripps pediatrician explains.
News | April 22, 2024

What Are the Surprising Benefits of Youth Sports Programs?

Playing sports is good for kids for many reasons, including preventing obesity, improving mental health and teaching important life skills.