Bladder Incontinence and Other Pelvic Floor Disorders

Urogynecology treats urinary and pelvic conditions

A woman smiling while looking at some plans, illustrating a healthy woman after bladder incontinence treatment.

Urogynecology treats urinary and pelvic conditions

Bladder incontinence, a condition in which urine involuntarily leaks from the bladder, is a common women’s health problem. Symptoms of incontinence can range from mild leakage after a sneeze or laugh, to an inability to hold urine.

One type of bladder incontinence is overactive bladder, also referred to as urge incontinence, which is the sudden feeling of needing to urinate. This condition can cause frustration and embarrassment. 

Our pelvic floor disorder questionnaire may help you determine if you should make an appointment for further evaluation. Scripps physicians want you to feel comfortable discussing your incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms, so you can get a more accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment.

We are now offering Video Visits for some specialty care appointments. If you are interested in scheduling a Video Visit, contact the provider’s office directly. The doctor’s office will work with you to determine if this is the right type of visit for you.

It is because of this exceptional care that Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and Scripps Green Hospital are recognized as San Diego’s best hospitals for gynecology by U.S. News & World Report.

Incontinence and overactive bladder treatment options

Bladder incontinence is caused by weak muscles or damage to the nerves along the urinary tract. This can be a result of weight gain or childbirth, both of which stretch the muscles in the pelvic area, causing weakness or uterine prolapse. Scripps offers a pelvic floor rehabilitation program to reduce bladder incontinence symptoms, particularly those associated with uterine prolapse.

Pelvic floor physical therapy treatments include:

  • Nutrition counseling for foods that increase overactive bladder symptoms
  • Physical therapy treatments including computer-assisted biofeedback
  • Electrical stimulation to improve muscle tone
  • Bladder training to prevent bladder incontinence leakage
  • Pelvic floor exercises including Kegel exercises
  • Muscle strengthening and relaxation training
  • Internal and external stretching and release techniques
  • Manual therapy

Surgical and non-surgical incontinence procedures

Another treatment option for overactive bladders is percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS). This office-based treatment is used to improve bladder control and reduce symptoms of bladder incontinence. During this low-risk procedure, a tiny needle is inserted near the tibial nerve in the lower leg that conducts electrical impulses to the nerves that control bladder function.

PTNS for overactive bladder is performed once a week for approximately 12 weeks. Each session takes approximately 30 minutes. The remaining sessions are scheduled as needed. PTNS is available at Scripps Clinic

If your incontinence or overactive bladder is caused by uterine prolapse, minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgery options are available to restore the uterus to its proper position.