Dr. Bruce Kimura is a cardiologist in practice for over 15 years. He specializes in echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound) to help diagnose a variety of heart conditions.
An active echocardiography researcher, Dr. Kimura has authored a book and published numerous scientific articles on using ultrasound at the bedside. He is internationally recognized for his contributions in hand-carried ultrasound and for the development of a cardiac ultrasonic physical examination and continually emphasizes the benefits of good bedside diagnosis.
He has been recognized as one of the Best Doctors in America, a Top Doctor by US News & World Report, and a Best Doctor by San Diego Magazine for 10 years. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Kimura has been active in clinical education, both as an associate clinical professor of medicine and with the Scripps Mercy Residency Program. He has been honored with the Ralph P. George Teacher of the Year Award and the Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award.