
Showing 11-20 results of 31 total
Scripps in the News | July 31, 2018

Scripps Provides Free Skin Cancer Screenings to Local Lifeguards

Two lifeguards look on before getting screened for skin cancer by Scripps physicians.
Scripps medical providers conducted a free skin cancer clinic for local lifeguards recently. KUSI featured the event and interviewed Dr. Hugh Greenway,
Health and Wellness | June 26, 2018

Skin Cancer, New Treatments and the ABCs of Skin Health (podcast)

Hubert Greenway, MD, is a dermatologic surgeon at Scripps Health who was recently featured in Scripps Health podcast with Susan Taylor.
Dr. Hubert Greenway, Scripps dermatologic surgeon, discusses new treatment options for skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Health and Wellness | June 19, 2018

Protect! Detect! Get Checked! What You Need to Know About Skin Cancer (video)

Hubert Greenway, MD, is a dermatologic surgeon who recently appeared in San Diego Health video with host Susan Taylor discussing skin cancer.
Dermatologist Hubert Greenway, MD, discusses the different types of skin cancer, including melanona, sunscreen protection and the warning signs of skin cancer.
Health and Wellness | June 1, 2018

Save Your Skin From the Summer Sun

A young man and a young woman, both wearing sunglasses, one holding a wide-brimmed hat and another holding one, enjoying the summer sun while protecting themselves against skin cancer.
From the strength of sunscreen to cancer screening, Scripps offers tips to stay safe while enjoying the sun and preventing skin cancer.
Scripps in the News | April 30, 2018

Scripps Skin Cancer Expert Discusses Treatment Advances

Hubert Greenway, MD, chairman of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Scripps Clinic, discussed skin cancer on KUSI. June is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.
Hubert Greenway, MD, skin cancer specialist, recently discussed medical advances in the treatment of this deadly disease on KUSI.
Scripps in the News | March 24, 2017

Newspaper Column Examines Skin Cancer Treatment with Scripps Expert

Hugh Greenway, MD, of Scripps Clinic shared his expertise on skin cancer prevention and treatment in a recent column in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
News Releases | January 26, 2017

Scripps Physician Co-writes Book on Reconstructive Facial Surgery

Sal Pacella, MD, Scripps plastic surgeon, co-author of textbook on reconstructive surgery after Mohs facial surgery
Salvatore Pacella, MD, has co-written a textbook on reconstructive facial reconstruction after skin cancer.
Scripps in the News | August 1, 2016

News Outlets Cover Free Scripps Skin Checkups for Local First Responders

Skin Cancer Screening 2016
Local news outlets covered a free skin cancer screening event hosted by Scripps Health for San Diego lifeguards, firefighters and police officers.
Scripps in the News | June 14, 2016

Scripps Dermatologist Sheds Light on Skin Cancer in U-T Article

When to get screened for skin cancer and remove moles
Hubert Greenway, MD, dermatologist at Scripps Clinic, discusses skin cancer with the San Diego Union-Tribune
Scripps in the News | May 18, 2016

Reader's Digest Cites Scripps Clinic Physician in Cancer Prevention Article

Scripps Health San Diego Expert, Dr. Greenway, Cited on Readers Digest Article on Cancer-Prevention.
Reader’s Digest compiled a list of healthy habits that some of the nation’s top doctors take to help lower their own risk of developing cancer.