Media Shines Spotlight on Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Walter Coyle, MD, shares tips on prevention, early detection

Walter Coyle, MD, division head of gastroenterology with Scripps Cancer Center and Scripps Clinic
Walter Coyle, MD, shares tips on prevention, early detection
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and Walter Coyle, MD, recently spoke with two San Diego TV news stations about this highly prevalent and deadly form of cancer. Dr. Coyle explained that colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, with over half of new cases in the United States linked to controllable risk factors. He also shared information on screening guidelines and reviewed the various screening tests that are available today, noting that treatments are generally more effective for patients with early-stage disease. Dr. Coyle is division head of gastroenterology with Scripps Cancer Center and Scripps Clinic.
Watch the Fox 5 News interview: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
View the CBS 8 News segment: Learn Tips to Help Prevent Colorectal Cancer
Media Contact
- Steve Carpowich
- 858-312-0328