How to Manage Holiday Alcohol Triggers
Resist the pressure to drink at every holiday event

Resist the pressure to drink at every holiday event
Alcohol is often a focal point at holiday parties, and it can be easy to go overboard. Seasonal stressors, grief and loneliness can also encourage drinking. A family history of substance abuse can add more fuel to the fire.
Experts say it’s important to recognize what can trigger overdrinking and come up with a strategy to handle situations where alcohol is easily available.
“Even if you don’t usually drink, we sometimes overindulge just because we are with family and it’s the holidays,” says Stephen Shapero, MD, a family medicine physician at Scripps Coastal Medical Center Carlsbad.
“Having a drink or two is not an issue as long as it is something that you can safely enjoy. Just be aware that because of the holidays, you may be packing in a lot of visits with a lot of old friends — maybe you don’t drink at all those occasions.”
Finding healthy alternatives
Dr. Shapero recommends finding healthy alternatives to drinking. If stress is a trigger, develop stress-reduction practices, like mood-boosting exercise and calming meditation, before the holidays. Or take a break to wash your face or step outside and take a few breaths of fresh air.
“If you’re tactful, excuse yourself for a minute and it can help you bring yourself back to a more level-headed place and make you feel a little less stressed without alcohol,” he says.
If social situations are an issue, suggest a non-drinking activity, like a hike or a game night. You may even start a new holiday tradition. Set boundaries with pushy friends or family members, then hold yourself to it.
“If you’ve never set boundaries before, you have to start somewhere. Put your foot down and say that you don’t want to drink,” Dr. Shapero says.
And if all else fails, remove yourself from a triggering situation. Stay home or go home or book a hotel for the remainder of your stay.
“Your sanity is worth the cost of a hotel room,” Dr. Shapero says.

This content appeared in San Diego Health, a publication in partnership between Scripps and San Diego Magazine that celebrates the healthy spirit of San Diego.