Media Spotlight on Patient Discharge Delays at Hospitals

More patients unable to leave hospital when medically ready

A hospital patient sits on a hospital bed looking out the window as he waits to be discharged.

More patients unable to leave hospital when medically ready

A recent article by MedPage Today shined a light on the growing problem of hospital avoidable bed days. These are days when patients are stuck in their hospital beds, despite being medically ready to be discharged to a step-down facility. 

The number of avoidable bed days at Scripps Health hospitals has more than doubled in the past three years. And the situation is felt at hospitals across America. Avoidable bed days aren’t best for patients who need step-down care, and it makes those hospital beds unavailable to other patients who need them after arriving at the emergency department. The article explores key factors driving this issue and steps that could help alleviate it. 

Read the MedPage Today article: Hospital Patient Finally Discharged After More Than Three Years 

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Steve Carpowich