Comedian Sees Humor, Health Lessons in Heart Attack

CBS 8 story timed around February American Heart Month

Scripps Clinic cardiologist Christopher Suhar, MD, (left) and patient Mark Whitney (center) being interviewed by CBS 8 reporter Jeff Zevely.

Scripps Clinic cardiologist Christopher Suhar, MD, (left) and patient Mark Whitney (center) being interviewed by CBS 8 reporter Jeff Zevely.

CBS 8 story timed around February American Heart Month

The “Zevely Zone” on CBS 8 featured a story about Sorento Valley resident, Mark Whitney, who came away from a recent brush with death from a “widow maker” heart attack with a new perspective on heart health and new material for his comedy stage show and podcast.

Scripps Clinic integrative medicine cardiologist Christopher Suhar, MD, who cared for Whitney while he was hospitalized at the Prebys Cardiovascular Institute, weighed in on some of the signs that people should watch for that could signal heart problems.

The story aired on the local television station during American Heart Month, which is observed every February.

Watch the CBS 8 story: San Diego Comedian Turns Heart Attack Into a Punchline

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Keith Darce