When it comes to top chamber or supraventricular tachycardias, we like to address any lifestyle issues that may be contributing.
Once those issues are adequately addressed, we want to make sure we know what rhythm disorder we’re treating and if there are identifiable symptoms associated with a certain supraventricular tachycardia. Then, we would consider institution of medical therapy, medicines that would slow down conduction through the electrical fibers.
In case medical therapy fails to relieve symptoms or the rhythm disorder is persistent or patients cannot tolerate medications, we would consider a referral to one of our heart rhythm experts.
These experts perform what’s called an electrophysiology study, where they put catheters inside the heart. They put little electrodes inside the different chambers to find where exactly the heart rhythm is originating from and where they can apply what’s called radiofrequency ablation or perform a little procedure to terminate the heart rhythm disorder.