Baby’s Drool Rash: How to Treat and Prevent It
Excessive drooling can cause rash in mouth, chin, cheeks, neck

Excessive drooling can cause rash in mouth, chin, cheeks, neck
Babies are known for their soft, smooth skin. But they’re also known for drooling, and excessive drooling on their skin can cause a common condition known as drool rash.
These flat or slightly raised patches may have small red bumps or look chapped and dry, and usually affect the mouth, chin, cheeks and neck.
Drool rash happens when your baby’s skin is wet with saliva for a long time and becomes irritated. It is not contagious or a sign of any serious health problems. However, it can make the baby uncomfortable and even cause pain.
The rash often happens when a baby is teething; because they often have their hands or a teething ring in their mouth, saliva easily drips out of their mouth onto their face. Pacifiers also can keep the skin around a baby’s mouth wet and lead to drool rash.
Babies often drool a lot from 3 to 6 months old, when they start teething. But even before teething, babies drool because their salivary glands develop at 2 to 3 months old. So, drooling doesn’t always mean teething.
How to treat drool rash
You can treat most cases of drool rash at home. Wash the affected areas gently with warm water twice a day, then pat your baby’s skin dry with a soft cloth.
“Avoid rubbing or using a rough or abrasive towel, which can further aggravate the condition,” says Livpreet Singh, DO, a pediatrician at Scripps Coastal Medical Center Eastlake. “Also avoid washing the area too frequently or using any kind of medicated soap on the rash. Warm water is usually all you need.”
Make sure your baby’s skin is completely dry, then apply a healing ointment like Aquaphor or petroleum jelly. This will help soothe the irritation and protect the skin from drool, allowing the rash to heal. Make sure to talk to a doctor before using new products around your baby’s mouth.
Avoid using products that might be irritating to your baby’s sensitive skin. Be sure to use only mild, fragrance-free baby washes at bath time. If you use baby lotion on their skin, choose one that is unscented. Don’t apply lotion or anything other than a healing ointment to the drool rash and keep it as dry as possible.
Be aware of other products in your home that may affect your baby’s skin. Wash your baby’s clothes, burp cloths, bibs, sheets and towels in mild, unscented laundry detergent. You may want to use it to wash your own clothes, too. Avoid using scented products that could irritate your baby’s skin if it touches yours, like perfume or essential oils.
Four tips to help prevent drool rash
Drooling is a natural behavior for babies, so preventing drool rash can be a challenge. Drooling helps babies by keeping their mouth moist, making it easier to swallow. It also softens food as they start eating solids, washes away food residue and protects their new teeth from decay.
“Drool rash isn’t usually serious, but it can make your baby uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your baby’s skin clean and dry to prevent irritation and reduce the risk of a rash,” Dr. Singh says.
Follow these tips to prevent drool rash and keep your baby comfortable and healthy.
1. Gently wipe
Keep a soft burp cloth handy to wipe away drool from your baby’s mouth and chin, especially after feedings and naps. Also check the folds of the neck and the chest for saliva that may have dripped from your baby’s face. Always use a cloth that is clean and dry and use gentle blotting motions to remove saliva.
2. Use a bib
Some babies drool so much that their clothing becomes damp, which can lead to drool rash on the body as well as make your baby uncomfortable. Try using a bib to keep saliva away from your baby’s shirt and skin. If the bib becomes damp, replace it with a clean, dry one.
3. Take breaks from pacifier
Pacifiers can encourage drool rash if saliva is trapped against your baby’s skin. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away saliva and take breaks from pacifier use to let the skin air out.
4. Don’t wait too long to clean
Don’t let smeared food remain on your baby’s face after meals, as this too can lead to a rash. Clean your baby’s mouth and face after eating to remove any traces of wet food.
When to call your pediatrician
Dr. Singh recommends calling your pediatrician if your baby’s drool rash hasn’t improved after a week or so of home treatment, or if the rash is cracked or painful. They may suggest an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or prescribe a cream to help heal the rash and keep your baby’s skin clear.
See a doctor sooner if your baby has a rash along with a fever, seems tired, or has trouble breathing or swallowing.