Scripps ER Doctor Pleads With Public to Stay Home for Holidays

Union-Tribune article highlights Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista

A Scripps medical professional adjusts their gloves and PPE while inside a COVID patient's ICU room.

Union-Tribune article highlights Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista

Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista emergency medicine specialist Juan Tovar, MD, in a recent San Diego Union-Tribune article, pleaded with the public to abide by current health restrictions and stay home for the holidays in order to avoid spreading the coronavirus further.

Dr. Tovar highlighted the fact that the South Bay hospital has been near full capacity for several weeks now, following the COVID-19 spike that followed Thanksgiving.

Read the Union-Tribune article: Hospitals Plead for the Public’s Help to Halt Spread of Virus

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Keith Darce