Scripps Clinic Doctor Shares Facts on Colorectcal Cancer in Feature Article

Walter Coyle, MD, discusses important screening options

Walter Coyle, MD, head of gastroenterology at Scripps Clinic, prepares to discuss colorectal cancer facts.

Walter Coyle, MD, is head of gastroenterology at Scripps Clinic.

Walter Coyle, MD, discusses important screening options

In a cover story in The San Diego Union-Tribune's health section, Scripps Clinic gastroenterologist Walter Coyle, MD, shares insights into the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related death among men and women in the United States, with more than 50,000 people expected to die from the disease this year.

Read the Union-Tribune article: A Colonoscopy Could Save Your Life

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Steve Carpowich