Scripps Mercy Chula Vista Breast Cancer Support Group Featured in El Latino
Bilingual breast cancer support group recently celebrated first anniversary

Scripps Mercy’s (San Diego and Chula Vista) bilingual breast cancer support group, which meets every other Monday at the Scripps Well Being Center in Chula Vista, was recently featured in the Spanish-language news publication El Latino. The story profiled the group and its many achievements during its first year and included a photo of Scripps nurse navigator Kimi Nguyen and three members of the support group blowing candles and celebrating their birthdays, which coincided with the milestone anniversary.
Read the story in El Latino (Spanish only): Grupo de apoyo bilingue del cancer de mama cumple primer ano.
Media Contact
- Leonel Sanchez
- 858-678-6508
- Follow me: @1LeonelSanchez