The Savvy Patient - Healthy Pregnancy Equals a Healthy Baby

Moms-to-be should get exercise, eat smartly and get those chronic diseases under control

In this week’s “Savvy Patient” column in the San Diego Union-Tribune, Dana M. Shipp, M.D, provides valuable tips to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Preparing for a baby’s arrival is important — but charting a course for mom’s health during pregnancy is even more vital. Here are some tips for planning a healthy pregnancy.

  • Add folic acid. Folic acid plays a key role in promoting a baby’s neurological development.
  • Get fit. Women should strive to reach a healthy body mass index, or BMI, before becoming pregnant.
  • Eat healthy, not for two. Instead of “eating for two,” pregnant women should “eat twice as healthy.”
  • No alcohol or tobacco. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should refrain from alcohol and tobacco.

For more healthy pregnancy tips and to read the full article: Healthy pregnancy equals a healthy baby

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Kristin Reinhardt