Study for patients with refractory/relapsed acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Trial ID:
David Jacob Hermel, MD

Inclusion Criteria

Patients must:

  • Be age 18 years or older
    Have been previously treated for AML
    Have cancer that has returned or worsened

Exclusion Criteria

Patients must not:

  • Have lymphoid malignancy within the previous 12 months
    Have active leptomeningeal leukemia, promyelocytic leukemia or extramedullary leukemia
    Be pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant during the study
    Have had heart attack, open heart surgery, stroke, or TIA in the past 6 months

Additional Info

This is the first time the investigational drug BP1002 is being administered in AML patients. All patients will be treated with BP1002 plus decitabine.

Search NCT 05190471 at website for more information

Contact Info:

  • Clinical Research Services

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