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Showing 631-640 results of 3699 total
Health and Wellness | December 16, 2021

5 Diabetes-Friendly Comfort Foods for the Winter Season

Transform conventional dishes into diabetes-friendly foods with simple substitution tips from the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute.
Health and Wellness | December 13, 2021

When to Pick Electrolyte Drinks Over Water

Water usually works best to prevent dehydration but there are times, say after intense workouts, when electrolyte drinks are helpful.
Health and Wellness | December 13, 2021

9 Weight Loss Tips to Kick Off Your New Year

A Scripps Clinic primary care doctor offers weight loss tips to help you with your New Year's resolution to lose weight.
Health and Wellness | December 10, 2021

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Multiples (video)

if you're carrying multiple babies, a higher level of prenatal care may help reduce the risks of complications. An OB-GYN explains.
Wellness & Prevention | December 10, 2021

5 Ways to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Sandwich generation members, or adults who care for their children and their own aging parents, can benefit from these self-care tips.
Health and Wellness | December 10, 2021

Positive Parenting: Discipline Without Harshness

A smiling family of four relaxes in a pleasant outdoor park setting.
Positive parenting means disciplining without harshness. Learn age-based positive discipline strategies to correct negative behavior.
Health and Wellness | December 7, 2021

5 Heart Healthy Habits

Heart healthy foods displayed in a heart shape including blueberries, tomatoes, oats, avocado, salmon, broccoli, spinach and olive oil.
Learn how to keep your heart healthy by exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep and more with tips from a Scripps primary care doctor.
Health and Wellness | December 1, 2021

How Do I Know If I’m at Risk for Prediabetes? (video)

In this video, a diabetes expert discusses prediabetes, a precursor to diabetes, including causes, prevention and testing for diabetes.
Health and Wellness | December 1, 2021

Is It Whooping Cough or a Cold?

Colds and whooping cough begin with similar symptoms, but whooping cough gets worse and is generally treated with antibiotics.
Health and Wellness | November 29, 2021

Holiday Mocktail Recipe: Fizzy Rosemary Cider

Try our recipe for a fizzy rosemary cider, a festive non-alcoholic drink to toast and ring in the new year.