Showing 41-50 results of 301 total

Health and Wellness | December 6, 2023

How to Keep Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

A Scripps primary care physician shares some tips on how to keep your New Year's resolutions.
Health and Wellness | November 28, 2023

Therapy Teddy Bears for Adults Help Ease Loss of Loved Ones

A woman hugs a therapy teddy bear comfort cub, which helps adults ease loss of loved ones.
A local group provides teddy bears to adults coping with grief, especially the loss of a child. Scripps participates in the program.
Health and Wellness | November 28, 2023

Doctor’s Eye for Detail Empowers Wildlife Photography

Tyler Kern, MD, a urologist at Scripps Clinic Jefferson in Oceanside, smiles on a trip outdoors photographing wildlife.
Scripps urologist Tyler Kern has an eye for detail that makes him good at his job and his favorite pastime: wildlife photography.
Health and Wellness | November 27, 2023

5 Tips for Heart Health During the Holidays

Two middle-aged women smile while enjoying some time outdoors.
Protect your heart health during the busy holiday season. Manage stress, control blood pressure, prioritize self-care and more tips.
Health and Wellness | November 27, 2023

How to Start Your New Year’s Fitness Goals: Do It Safely

Start your New Year’s fitness resolutions right: Start slow, listen to your body, avoid injuries. Do it right with balanced exercise.
Health and Wellness | November 22, 2023

Canine Therapy Program Continues to Shine at Scripps

A canine therapy volunteer and her dog smile outside the hospital.
The canine therapy program continues after a pause during the pandemic. Therapy dogs provide comfort to patients at Scripps hospitals.
Health and Wellness | November 21, 2023

4 Holiday Spices with Healthy Benefits

A healthy holiday tea is pictured with cinnamon, nutmeg, oranges and pomegranates.
Discover the health benefits of these holiday spices: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg. Add them to your favorite dishes and drinks.
Health and Wellness | November 21, 2023

What Is the Fentanyl Crisis?

A pill bottle spilled over with fentanyl tablets.
Learn about the rising threat of fentanyl abuse. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl is causing over 150 overdose deaths daily in the US.
Health and Wellness | November 21, 2023

What Does It Mean to Be Sober Curious?

A woman in her kitchen creates a healthier non-alcoholic beverage with sparkling water, lime and oranges.
The sober curious movement is a mindful approach to cutting back on alcohol for good health. Are you sober curious?
Health and Wellness | November 17, 2023

4 Ways to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Follow our tips to maintain a healthy weight during the holidays. Protect your long-term health with mindful eating and consistency.