Showing 11-20 results of 301 total

Health and Wellness | June 10, 2024

5 Facts About Breast Cancer Screening

Women wearing breast cancer ribbons, a reminder of the importance of mammograms and early detection.
Learn the benefits of regular breast cancer screenings, including mammograms. Early detection is key to successful treatment.
Health and Wellness | May 21, 2024

LGBTQ+ Health Care Needs: What Are They?

LGBTQ+ communities face many health challenges, including access to quality care, mental health services, rising STI rates and more.
Health and Wellness | May 21, 2024

How to Convince the Man in Your Life to Get a Checkup

Men visit the doctor less often than women, risking their health. Follow our tips to encourage the man in your life to get a checkup.
Health and Wellness | May 15, 2024

Can Humans Get Sick from Bird Flu?

Bird flu can cause illness in some animals but rarely in humans.
Stay informed about the bird flu outbreak: The CDC says the risk to humans is low but remains vigilant. Learn what to do if infected.
Health and Wellness | May 14, 2024

10 Superfoods You Can Grow In Your Garden

You can grow nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits in your own garden, including blueberries, kale and tomatoes.
Check out these nutrient-dense fruits and veggies. They're loaded with vitamins and minerals and you can grow them in your own garden.
Health and Wellness | April 29, 2024

Men’s Sexual Health Supplements: Are They Safe?

The market for men's sexual health supplements is growing. But are they safe? Do they work? Talk to your doctor first before using.
Health and Wellness | April 24, 2024

New Digital Health Options Ease Access to Care

A woman sits at a table while she meets with her doctor virtually on a laptop computer and discusses medication.
What’s new: patient on-demand video visits with primary care doctor, online scheduling and wait time checks at HealthExpress sites.
Health and Wellness | April 24, 2024

5 Ways to Make Exercise More Fun

A young woman dances in her living room with headphones on.
Upgrade your workout gear, embrace outdoor activities, invite friends to join you and other tips to turn fitness into fun, not work.
Health and Wellness | April 23, 2024

9 Easy Tips to Kickstart Your Spring Wellness Routine

A young woman rejoices in a field of yellow flowers.
Spring is prime for health resets. Follow our tips. Prioritize self-care, improve your diet, schedule an annual checkup and more.
Health and Wellness | April 23, 2024

How Clinical Trials Transform Medicine

Darryl D’Lima, MD, PhD, director, Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, SCORE, Scripps Clinic.
Clinical trials drive innovation and enhance patient care. Scripps is making strides with 90 ongoing trials and past breakthroughs.