Showing 241-250 results of 301 total

Health and Wellness | January 24, 2020

Are Dietary Supplements Necessary for My Health?

Dietary supplements can't replace good nutrition, but some supplements may offer benefits when there is a nutritional gap.
Health and Wellness | January 8, 2020

What Can I Do to Treat My Dry, Itchy Skin?

Scripps Health dermatologist, Lee Kaplan, MD provides information on dry, itchy skin treatments.
Dry, itchy skin has many possible causes, both simple and complex. Treatment depends on the cause, and may range from lotions and to phototherapy.
Health and Wellness | January 8, 2020

Knowing When to Stay Home Sick: Three Questions to Ask

A woman stays home from work, opting to rest on the couch at home.
Knowing when to stay home sick can help prevent others from catching your cold or flu or other contagious illness.
Health and Wellness | January 8, 2020

Top 6 Concerns Parents Have About Their Children’s Health

Learn the top concerns parents have about their children's health. Scripps pediatricians offer advice on nutrition, vaccines and more.
Health and Wellness | January 7, 2020

Surgical Weight-Loss Solutions (podcast)

Weight-loss experts discuss weight-loss solutions, including minimally invasive bariatric surgery. Learn who is a candidate.
Health and Wellness | December 31, 2019

How to Read Nutrition Labels and Eat Healthy

The new Nutrition Facts Label on food packages has made it easier for people to make healthy eating choices when shopping for groceries.
Health and Wellness | December 24, 2019

Is Vaping Bad For You? Is It Safer Than Smoking? (podcast)

A Scripps pulmonologist who has treated vaping-related lung illnesses explains the dangers of vaping and alternatives to e-cigarettes.
Health and Wellness | December 13, 2019

Is Vaping Safe? Is It Safer Than Smoking? (video)

A Scripps expert discusses the dangers of vaping and who's at risk for vaping-related illnesses, which have been on the rise.
Health and Wellness | December 3, 2019

Should You Exercise When Sick?

Should you exercise when sick or get rest? Learn which symptoms and conditions call for rest and when exercise can make you feel better.
Health and Wellness | November 26, 2019

What Causes Heartburn? How to Beat the Burn (podcast)

A Scripps physician explains what causes heartburn, how to relieve heartburn symptoms with medication and when to see your doctor.