Showing 121-130 results of 301 total

Health and Wellness | October 10, 2022

How to Lower Cholesterol Without Medication

A healthy man slices berries for a low-cholesterol meal in his kitchen.
Try these simple lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol and promote heart health. Cut saturated fat, add fiber, reduce stress and more.
Health and Wellness | October 10, 2022

Vertigo: Causes and Treatments

Marked by dizziness and balance issues, vertigo is often a sign of an inner ear problem. At times, it's a brain issue. Learn treatments.
Health and Wellness | October 4, 2022

Flu vs. Coronavirus: What’s the Difference?

COVID-19 and flu are respiratory illnesses caused by different viruses. Learn the similarities and differences. Get vaccinated for both.
Health and Wellness | September 29, 2022

Are You Depressed?

Depression is a very common mental illness that many people are diagnosed with. Learn the signs, symptoms and treatments.
Health and Wellness | September 28, 2022

Can Age-Related Farsightedness be Fixed?

Presbyopia is a common aging-eye condition that causes vision problems, mainly seeing up close. Fortunately, it can be managed. See how.
Health and Wellness | September 19, 2022

4 Flu Vaccine Myths Debunked

You can't get the flu or another illness from a flu shot but you can have mild side effects. Four myths about the flu vaccine debunked.
Health and Wellness | September 7, 2022

Six Tips to Prevent Digestive Problems

Follow our tips to prevent stomach and digestion problems after eating too much or eating something that doesn't agree with you.
Health and Wellness | September 6, 2022

How to Stay Fit After 50?

A woman in her 50s rests with a water bottle on her hand after a workout.
Exercise is important throughout life, but our bodies change as we get older. These tips from Scripps can help you stay fit and healthy in your 50s.
Health and Wellness | August 31, 2022

What Are the Best Hiking Trails in San Diego?

Stay fit during this Presidents Day Holiday Weekend with a fun, and vigorous hike in San Diego. David Hawkins, DO, Scripps Clinic Santee family medicine physician, says hiking is good exercise for everyone.
San Diego boasts dozens of scenic hiking trails for people of all fitness levels. Here are five popular trails that you can enjoy.
Health and Wellness | August 26, 2022

How to Prepare for a Wildfire

Wildfires are a fact of life in California. Plan ahead, especially if you live in a fire-prone area. Prepare a wildfire action plan.