
Showing 151-160 results of 1002 total
Health and Wellness | September 19, 2023

How Is Acne Treated? (video/podcast)

Thumbnail for video/podcast page on how to treat acne featuring Dr. Akhiyat.
Scripps dermatologist Sophia Akhiyat explains the causes and treatments for acne, a skin condition that affects teens and young adults.
Health and Wellness | September 12, 2023

Does Cancer Cause Itching?

It caused by cancer or cancer treatment.
Certain cancers, including lymphoma and melanoma, and cancer treatment side effects can cause itchiness. Learn how to relieve itching.
News Releases | August 29, 2023

Scripps Health Launches Flu Vaccination Clinics

A patient receiving a flu vaccination.
Scripps physicians say early inoculation is the best protection against seasonal influenza. Flu shots are now available at many Scripps locations.
Health and Wellness | August 23, 2023

Is Fantasy Football Stressing You Out?

Fantasy football is a welcome distraction from the day's bad news. Just don't let it become a stress-causing obsession. Learn the signs.
Health and Wellness | August 22, 2023

What Is Scoliosis? Who Does it Affect?

Scoliosis is a condition marked by the sideways curvature of the spine. It mainly affects kids but can also affect adults. Learn more.
Scripps in the News | August 22, 2023

Health Care Industry Facing ‘Perfect Storm’ of Financial Challenges

Large ocean waves created by a perfect storm.
Health systems are dealing with severe financial challenges: unfunded mandates, inflation and low reimbursements. How did we get here?
Family Medicine | August 21, 2023

Yoga Is a Way of Life for This Primary Care Doctor

Kosha Nathwani, MD, a family medicine physician at Scripps Clinic Encinitas, is in a warrior 1 yoga pose outdoors with the ocean in the background. - San Diego Health Magazine
Dr. Kasha Nathwani’s lifelong practice of yoga has helped her during tough times. She encourages her patients to do it too for their health.
Patient Stories | August 21, 2023

Scripps Healthy Lifestyle Program Helps Patient Prevent Diabetes

Nancy Butsumyo smiles on the pickleball court. A prediabetes diagnosis was a wakeup call to make lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes, which runs in her family.
Nancy Butsumyo’s prediabetes diagnosis was a wakeup call to make lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes, which runs in her family.
Health and Wellness | August 21, 2023

How Does Cosmetic Laser Treatment Work? What Are the Benefits? (video/podcast)

Thumbnail for video podcast with E. Victor Ross, MD, discussing cosmetic laser therapy.
Cosmetic dermatologist E. Victor Ross, MD, discusses how cosmetic laser treatments work to improve skin appearance and slow down aging.
Health and Wellness | August 18, 2023

What’s New with Nutrition Facts Labels?

A woman stops to read the food label when shopping in the grocery store.
The FDA updated the nutrition facts label for foods to reflect the latest thinking on nutrition and healthy eating. Learn what is healthy.