
Showing 171-180 results of 945 total
Scripps in the News | June 1, 2023

Scripps Pediatrician Discusses Efforts to Catch Up on Childhood Vaccination

Scripps pediatrician Erik Hogen discusses the importance of not falling behind on child vaccinations with 10News.
Health and Wellness | May 22, 2023

Can Your Nails Show Signs of an Illness?

Learn what certain color and texture changes in your fingernail may reveal about your health, including underlying conditions.
Health and Wellness | May 11, 2023

Good Fats vs Bad Fats

Obesity is a large problem. Cutting fats helps. But there are good fats and bad fats. Learn which to avoid and which to get more of.
Health and Wellness | May 4, 2023

7 Tips To Prevent Sports-related Injuries in Children

Youth sports help keep children fit and healthy, but preventative steps should be taken to avoid sports-related injuries in children. Follow our tips.
Health and Wellness | May 2, 2023

Is Organic Produce Worth It?

Should you spend more for organic foods? A recent study shows that eating more organic food can protect you from cancer. A Scripps nutrition expert explains...
Health and Wellness | May 2, 2023

How to Use Food as Medicine (video/podcast)

A healthy eating pattern can help prevent and manage chronic, diet-related diseases. A Scripps physician explains food as medicine.
Health and Wellness | May 1, 2023

Act Fast to Stop a Stroke

Every year 800,000 people suffer a stroke in the US. Learn the warning signs for stroke symptoms. Learn the acronym BE FAST.
Health and Wellness | April 26, 2023

What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD is a mental health issue marked by recurring unwanted thoughts and compulsive behavior. Behavior therapy and medications can help.
Health and Wellness | April 21, 2023

Taking Care of Yourself After Having a Baby

Postpartum health is important for new moms. Follow our tips on how to take care of yourself after giving birth.
Health and Wellness | April 19, 2023

9 Stress-busting Tips for Busy Moms

A smiling mother and daughter share a hug in the spirit of reducing stress for busy moms.
Simple strategies for moms to incorporate wellness, mindfulness, healthy eating and stress reduction into hectic days.